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Upload a Bitmap Image and Save as a File in the Remote Backendless Storage.

At that place are several ways to upload file content to the server:

  1. The traditional approach where a concrete file from the client environment is uploaded using the API.
  2. Creating a remote file with content generated on the client-side.

In this commodity, we will review the first option – uploading a file with the API.

Once a file is uploaded, the File Service enables the post-obit:

  • You can come across the file in File Browser in Backendless Console.
  • The file can be downloaded via a URL assigned to information technology. The URL is equanimous as:<application id>/<version name>/files/<path>/<file name>
  • The application developer tin assign permissions to control who (users or roles) can download or delete the file.
  • If git integration is enabled for the application; the file is also committed to the repository.

The case below demonstrates the API for file upload:

                    // create a file locally and so there is something to upload    String filename = "myhelloworld-async.txt";    FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(filename);    fileOutputStream.write("Hello mbaas!\nUploading files is easy!".getBytes());    fileOutputStream.shut();     terminal File file = new File(filename);     // now upload the file    Backendless.Files.upload(file, "/myfiles", new AsyncCallback() {        @Override        public void handleResponse(BackendlessFile uploadedFile) {            Log.i(TAG, "File has been uploaded. File URL is - " + uploadedFile.getFileURL());            file.delete();        }         @Override        public void handleFault(BackendlessFault fault) {            Log.e(TAG, error.getMessage());        }    });
                    // create a file locally so at that place is something to upload    val filename = "myhelloworld-async.txt"    val fileOutputStream = FileOutputStream(filename)    fileOutputStream.write("How-do-you-do mbaas!\nUploading files is easy!".toByteArray())    fileOutputStream.close()     val file = File(filename)     // now upload the file    Backendless.Files.upload(file, "/myfiles", object : AsyncCallback {        override fun handleResponse(uploadedFile: BackendlessFile) {            Log.i(TAG, "File has been uploaded. File URL is - ${uploadedFile.fileURL}")            file.delete()        }         override fun handleFault(fault: BackendlessFault) {            Log.e(TAG, mistake.message)        }    })
    // create a file data so there is something to upload NSData *data = [@"Hi mbaas!\nUploading files is easy!" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];      // now upload the file [Backendless.shared.file uploadFileWithFileName:@"myhelloworld.txt" filePath:@"myfiles" content:data overwrite: YES responseHandler:^(BackendlessFile *uploadedFile) {     NSLog(@"File has been uploaded. File URL is - %@", uploadedFile.fileUrl); } errorHandler:^(Fault *fault) {     NSLog(@"Error: %@", mistake.bulletin); }];
    // create a file information and then at that place is something to upload if let data = "How-do-you-do mbaas!\nUploading files is easy!".data(using: .utf8) {                  // now upload the file     Backendless.shared.file.uploadFile(fileName: "myhelloworld.txt", filePath: "myfiles", content: data, overwrite: true, responseHandler: { uploadedFile in         print("File has been uploaded. File URL is - \(uploadedFile.fileUrl ?? "")")     }, errorHandler: { error in         impress("Error: \(mistake)")     })             }
    const Backendless = require('backendless') /*  Or employ `import Backendless from 'backendless'` for customer side.  If you don't utilize npm or yarn to install modules, you can add the following line  <script src="//"></script>  to your alphabetize.html file and apply the global Backendless variable. */  Backendless.initApp('YOUR_APP_ID', 'YOUR_JS_API_KEY')  const handleFileSelect = event => {   const { files } = // FileList object    for (let file of files) {     Backendless.Files.upload(file, '/myFiles')       .then(onSuccess, onError)   } }  const onSuccess = file => {   panel.log('Uploaded file URL - ' + file.fileURL) }  const onError = error => {   panel.mistake('Server reported an mistake: ', error.message)   console.error('mistake lawmaking: ', fault.code)   console.fault('http condition: ', error.status) }              
                    // create a file locally and then at that place is something to upload    Cord filename = "myhelloworld-async.txt";    File file = await File(filename).writeAsString("Howdy mbaas!\nUploading files is piece of cake!");     Backendless.Files.upload(file, "/myfiles").and so((response) {      print("File has been uploaded. File URL is - " + response);      file.delete();    });

    When y'all run the code and the files are uploaded, you can meet them in Backendless Panel. To practise that:

    1. Login to Console, select your app and click the Files icon.
    2. You lot will run across the "myfiles" directory created by the lawmaking above. Click the directory name to see its contents.
    3. You should see two files as shown in the screenshot below.
    4. To see the contents of the file, click the Edit file icon:



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